Your Brain Needs Snake
Your brain is absolutely incredible. You probably cannot fathom how incredible your brain is. We think our phones are pretty smart, but our brains will out think, out perform and out smart any phone - no matter how strong the presentation to sell that phone to us was delivered.
But your brain is flawed. So terribly flawed.
Luckily our brains have the ability to make our brains betterer. We can find tools which help us achieve maximum potential. We have the power. We have the ability. We can be whatever we want to be.
Keep reading to find the secret to helping your brain maintain a focus like you have never before achieved.
My brain, is so incredible it doesn’t even need to be asked to do things It will magically start playing a song I haven’t heard in 10 years, and play it directly into my head, and if I enjoyed it it will happily keep playing that same song over and over again.
So far humans have been unable to create anything which can get even close to performing the functions of our brain. The marketers seem to like to call everything artificial intellligence, giving grandiose allusions that their software is thinking as astutely as our smartest minds. Sadly, however, the reality is that this magic AI is usually the equivalent of a government clerk reading an instruction manual and then solving a matching pairs puzzle game.
Our brains are so amazing that they seem to be able to do many things at once. We multitask like theres no tomorrow. We have multiple screens throwing information into our eyes, speakers surrounding us, singing, beeping and reciting the latest messages we have received. We interrupt our work to read those messages, which then leads us to a video, which is usually of a cat, and then we feel calm and go straight back to work, or driving if we are of the more dim witted variety of human.
The reality of course is that we can’t really multitask at all. We think we can, but we most certainly can not. We can just jump between tasks at a phenomenal pace.
This, in itself seems pretty impressive to be sure, until it isn’t.
Because when we are multitasking we are doing everything with less attention than we would like.
Imagine you are sitting on a park bench. It is a lovely day, there is a water fountain nearby providing a soothing soundtrack, some children playing, butterflies flutterbying.
You have a sandwich in your hand. Not the sandwich you wanted, mind you. They were out of the sandwiches you wanted..well out of the bread you wanted. This sandwich is on white bread, the kind of bread so overly processed you would never touch it. But this time you had no choice. All that overly processing has left your bread in a state of such soft happiness you find it is the tastiest sandwich you have eaten in 20 years.
Who knew. But mere metres away, you are being observed. You see this observer. In observing the observer, you observe that they are observing you with an intense observation. They are not multitasking. They are not looking around for distractions. They are not listening to a podcast while instagramming their sandwich. They are laser focussed. On you.
On that delicious treat in your hand. They have only one job, and that is all they will think about. You drop one crumb on the floor and they will come scuttling over and retrieve it.
Now if the seagull was busy calling out to the ladies for attention, he might miss your crumbs. If he is busy showing his friends the last crumb you sent his way, he will likely miss the next one. If he is dancing a worm jig he most definitely wont see the morsels you are providing.
He knows to focus on one task at a time.
That story in the last paragraph, about the seagull having a perfect attention span is, of course, complete codswallop. He is also always distracted and fails to get the food constantly. But he fits into this story perfectly because a friend had just texted me a picture of a seagull staring at her eating a sandwich. See what happened. Our brains can’t multitask for shit. Everything gets mixed with everything else.
The great irony, is that the computers have learnt the art of focus rather perfectly in terms of photography, The downside is that now every human thinks they are a great photographer, so they feel it necessary to show us all their photos of sunsets and their lunch.
While computers have been busy focussing on such things as getting the focus perfectly perfect, they have also been rather busy making humans as unfocussed as they possibly can.
The consequences of that is that our work now takes longer to complete, which results in us not having enough time to view the beautiful sunsets for real, or having a sandwich standoff with a seagull in a park.
Your workspace should be a calm environment, allowing you to get on with working.
As we have discovered, however, our brain will often get in the way, coming up with new and exciting ideas to explore, such as more tiktok cat videos, or if the temperature in the room could go up 0.01 degree more.
The Jellysnakes System
Jellysnakes are a poovern doenterific system to help you ignore those enticing distractions and bring you back into the productive focus of your work.
Using this method you will get your work done faster, and with a better quality, because your brain will not be multitasking and losing focus.
The jellysnake method will pay for itself up to 1 million times over.*
The Jellysnake method does not need a lot of willpower.
The Jellysnake method continues to motivate you and keep you on track day after day.
There is only a small amount of preparation, and then it requires no further maintenance, making it an efficient and cost effective solution to your procrastination problems.
For a low set up cost, you will find yourself being more productive and focussed, and acheiving more in your work day than you ever normally would, and of course giving you the opportunity to enjoy those beautiful sunsets in real life.**
"How does The Jellysnake Method work?", I hear you ask.
It is so simple, you will be stunned at what can be achieved with such a minimal setup. The Jellysnake Method simply requires you to decorate your workspace with a fun and colourful art print.
Thats it. I told you it was simple.
Get Results
The Jellysnake art print is a specially doenterifically designed visual sensory aggregator which brings focus and aligns your neurons to act in unison to generate the desired outcome towards making your work pay more in less time.
But how...
The Process Explained
The artwork should be placed in your workspace in a way which matches it’s eye level with your eye level. Eye to eye. When you find yourself procrastinating, whether it be a new idea, what you will have for dinner, someone you met earlier, the art you are going to buy to make your home instagrammably perfect, the holiday you will take with your new found wealth, or that sudden feeling you should probably watch a video about a cat, you look up, and look directly into the googly eyes of the Jellysnake.
Step 2.
Maintain a focussed stare into the Jellysnakes googly eyes, and you will feel the procrastinating thoughts flow into the jellysnake. They will flow through the jellysnakes body. The colours of the jellysnake will take those thoughts and process them, giving them a life outside of your head. But you keep staring at the jellysnake, straight into it’s googly eyes and maintain the strong mental connection.
Step 3.
Then you hear the jellysnake, connecting straight into your auditory cortex. Using the strong mental connection, you hear the jellysnake loud and clear. It issues you the instruction you need to continue to focus on the work you are doing. Loud and clear you hear it as it says the magic words…”Get the fuck back to work”
Start your journey to success.
Where can you get these amazing prints?
The prints are only available to be bought direct from the artist at
Go now and be successful
*if, for example, you work so hard and focussed that you make 20 million dollars
** Results vary. Best results are achieved if you are already successful.